Blog - Martinizing Musings

Concerts, coupons, and dry cleaning care

Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - 11:45

Last week we really enjoyed giving away two free pair of concert tickets to Barry Manilow and Nickelback. Congratulations again to Kristy Golden and Dena Pettersen, who were the lucky winners. Hope the shows were great (and, that any dry cleaning as a result of your wonderful evening comes to Martinizing!). We're prone to promotions, so stop in at our Facebook Page when you're online and see what's happening!

A dry Memorial Day weekend. And now, back to dry cleaning!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012 - 11:00

Growing up, it seemed like Memorial Day weekend was anything but dry. Around Wichita, at least, thunderstorms always wanted to crop up at some point. But not this weekend!

By the way, have you ever seen so many beautiful prom dresses as this year? Goodness, I don’t remember dry-cleaning as many gowns and tuxes as we did the last few weeks. If you’ve not yet brought yours in to any of our three Wichita-area Martinizing locations, now’s the time, before they go into storage.

A little-known dry cleaning fact about Wichita

Tuesday, May 8, 2012 - 17:00

Even in high school, I can remember thinking about the effect on the atmosphere filling up my gas tank was having. Back then, “green” was just a color! These days, everyone’s talking about the environment. From drilling to diapers, it seems we have a chance to help save Mother Nature at just about every step. So before we opened Martinizing, we looked at all the dry cleaners in Wichita, and we noticed something: every single company was using the same, smelly process of petrochemicals, or “percs.” (A brief pause here - to hold your nose!)

Dry. Clean. Dry. Clean. Wow, it's May already!

Monday, April 23, 2012 - 10:15

We’re not sure where the time goes, but we’re glad the warm weather is here. We hope you’re getting out and enjoying springtime – in between thunderstorms!

Did you celebrate Earth Day?

April 22 was the official Earth Day. But we can celebrate Mother Nature every day (that's why we're the only Wichita dry cleaner with GreenEarth). If you have a special story, or just something you like to do every day to help preserve our planet, we’d love to hear from you at

Spring in Wichita means crazy weather and dry cleaning for storage

Wednesday, April 11, 2012 - 10:15

Spring is definitely in the air. We learned a new weather term last week: “SLC.” It’s a fancy meteorologists term for “Scary Looking Clouds!” We sure saw some. How about you?

And we’ve already had a few of those early, unpredictable thunderstorms. Migrating birds are coming through (the Purple Martin, our favorite, will be through in September!). Plants and flowers are up and growing. We’ve even had a few nights with the windows open (just a few, of course!).

Welcome to the new Martinizing Dry Cleaning Website!

Thursday, April 5, 2012 - 10:15

Hi there, and welcome to the first official Blog for our new website! We’re very excited to share with you not just the new design, but to give you a place where you can keep coming back to check and see what’s happening at Martinizing Dry Cleaning, get helpful tips for your clothes (and, life in general), and find just plain good stuff to know about dry cleaning in Wichita.


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